Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Weekend #2 in Wellington, this time for the Armageddon Pop-Culture expo.
Spent a goodly portion of the time mincing about in the red-velvet dress of doom, and giving a brief sword-history run-down to small children. A particularly moppetish three year old told me in a serious tone that I "sound like a man".

Shook hands with Andy Serkis and John Rhys Davis, both of whom are lovely people.
Andy assumed a Gollumesque pose for my stereocamera, and I hope the result turns out.

The road-trip back was excellent, a night time drive of which many hours were consumed by talking with Nich and Kirstin about subjects ranging from dreams to religious interpretation to imagination versus unseen reality, and all sorts in between.

Now I suppose I should get back to earning my living... but the break was well worth it.

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