Thursday, September 09, 2004

Recently finished reading a little book called Love's Work, by Gillian Rose.
The writing is lovely, and her depictions are revealing.
One of her "imps" (as she called them), was dyslexia, and in having to work harder with words, it seemed to me as if she had more appreciation of their sheer range of meaning, than most of us. She used them bloody well, too.

Sadly, she died, not long after the publication of that book. Quite the insightful thinker, was Gillian Rose. She "...studied philosophy at the Universities of Oxford, Columbis, and Berlin. She was Professor at the University of Warwick, where she worked in modern European philosophy, social and political thought, and theology..." (the author blurb).
I enjoyed the book, and recommend it, especially if you can find it secreted away in a bookstore near you. That was how I discovered it, having picked it up for some random reason.

I really appreciated a quote that she used in it, from a work called "My Past and Thoughts" by Alexander Herzen, as it too struck a chord with me. Worth the sharing, so here it is:

Who is entitled to write his reminiscences?
Because no one is obliged to read them.
In order to write one's reminiscences it is not at all necessary to be a great man, nor a notorious criminal, nor a celebrated artist, nor a statesman - it is quite enough to be simply a human being, to have something to tell, and not merely the desire to tell it but at least have some little ability to do so.
Every life is interesting; if not the personality, then the environment, the country are interesting, the life itself is interesting. Man likes to enter into another existence, he likes to touch the subtlest fibres of another's heart, and to listen to its beating... he compares, he checks it by his own, he seeks for himself confirmation, sympathy, justification...

"Love's Work" is of reminiscences by Gillian Rose.
Food for thought.

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